Interview during the protest of Islam Awareness by the Muslim Student Association
TV20 Interview during the protest of Islam Awareness by the Muslim Student Association at the University of Florida plus a comment from a woman that had attended many of the meeting during the "Islam Awareness" month.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Standing against the lies of Islam on the campus of the University of Florida.
Standing against the lies of Islam on the campus of the University of Florida.
Stand Up America Now with Dr. Terry Jones protested Islam Awareness month at the University of Florida hosted by the Muslim Student Association. We marched and spoke to people about the true nature of Islam and not the candy coated version of Islam the Muslim Student Association is deceiving people with during their meetings. Islam around the world is murdering people daily yet here in America they continue to tell the America students that Islam is a religion of peace.
Stand Up America Now with Dr. Terry Jones protested Islam Awareness month at the University of Florida hosted by the Muslim Student Association. We marched and spoke to people about the true nature of Islam and not the candy coated version of Islam the Muslim Student Association is deceiving people with during their meetings. Islam around the world is murdering people daily yet here in America they continue to tell the America students that Islam is a religion of peace.
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Case of Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani | The White House
The White House
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Case of Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani | The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release February 23, 2012 Statement by the Press Secretary on the Case of Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani
The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms reports that Iranian authorities’ reaffirmed a death sentence for Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani for the sole reason of his refusal to recant his Christian faith. This action is yet another shocking breach of Iran’s international obligations, its own constitution, and stated religious values. The United States stands in solidarity with Pastor Nadarkhani, his family, and all those who seek to practice their religion without fear of persecution—a fundamental and universal human right. The trial and sentencing process for Pastor Nadarkhani demonstrates the Iranian government’s total disregard for religious freedom, and further demonstrates Iran's continuing violation of the universal rights of its citizens. The United States calls upon the Iranian authorities to immediately lift the sentence, release Pastor Nadarkhani, and demonstrate a commitment to basic, universal human rights, including freedom of religion. The United States renews its calls for people of conscience and governments around the world to reach out to Iranian authorities and demand Pastor Nadarkhani's immediate release.
Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Illegally Imprisoned, 865 days
Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Illegally Imprisoned, 865 days
CBN News
Execution Orders Issued for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani
By Jordan Sekulow
We are hearing reports from our contacts in Iran that the execution orders for Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani may have been issued.
Pastor Youcef’s situation – an innocent man convicted and sentenced to death for becoming a Christian – has not been this dire since we first brought his case to your attention last year.
It is unclear whether Pastor Youcef would have a right of appeal from the execution order. We know that the head of Iran’s Judiciary, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, must approve publicly held executions, but only a small percentage of executions are held public—most executions in Iran are conducted in secret.
There has also been a disturbing increase in the number of executions conducted by the Iranian regime in the last month.
Iran is actively violating its human rights obligations by sentencing and detaining Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. We call on the Iranian government to release Pastor Youcef immediately.
We are continuing to work to help spare the life of Pastor Youcef, and will provide additional updates on his situation as we are able.
Please continue to pray, share his
World Wide Burning Korans and Muhammad if Pastor Youcef is not released
World Wide Burning Korans and Muhammad if Pastor Youcef is not released
Monday, February 20, 2012
Brian Lilley and Tarek Fatah on Islam in Canada, corruption in mosques
Brian Lilley and Tarek Fatah on Islam in Canada, corruption in mosques
Muslims have nearly retaken Spain. CBN Feb 6 2012
Muslims have nearly retaken Spain. CBN Feb 6 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
After surviving sectarian mob, Egyptian Christians expelled from village
Christian businessman Abskharon Suleiman
in the home of a Muslim family, where he is
staying after being evicted from his village.
After surviving sectarian mob, Egyptian Christians expelled from village
Written by Kristen Chick
Thursday, 16 February 2012
The Christian Science Monitor
The case sends a worrying signal that Egypt's new parliament is allowing a Mubarak-era system of local justice to trump the rule of law.
Romany Rashed stands in what was a furniture shop owned by Christian businessman
that was looted and burned by angry Muslim mobs. The shop is across the street from
Romany's home, where he hid as the mob tried to break into his house in Sharbat,
a village near Alexandria in Egypt.
Sharbat, Egypt: Ten-year-old Romany sits in the same room where his family huddled together nearly three weeks ago, afraid for their lives, as a violent mob attacked their house. His family had fled to this room on the top floor, where pictures of Jesus and Coptic saints hang on bare cement walls. His parents dragged heavy furniture to the door, barricading it as they heard people try to break in below. The mob was throwing rocks at the windows, and he heard gunfire, says Romany. They were cursing Christians.
“We kept praying that God would be with us,” says the fourth-grader. “And He was.”
As the mob set fire to the home of a Christian family across the street, Muslim neighbors saved Romany’s family, hustling them out of their house by a back entrance, into a car, and out of the village, until it was safe enough to return.
The violence in Sharbat began as many sectarian conflicts in Egypt do – with rumors of an affair between a Christian man and a Muslim woman. It ended with eight Christian families forced to leave the village, their property and belongings left to be sold on their behalf by a local committee. The punishment for those who looted and burned Christian properties? None.
The decision was the outcome of a “reconciliation meeting,” in which the fate of the accused is determined by locals rather than the law. The meetings have long been used in Egypt to handle sectarian conflicts, leaving victims little recourse. Hosni Mubarak may have been ousted a year ago, but methods haven't changed. Members of Egypt’s new Islamist-dominated parliament sat in on some of the Sharbat meetings, effectively sanctioning the use of extrajudicial means.
Ishak Ibrahim, a researcher for the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) who wrote a report on the incident, says that political parties must set a new precedent for dealing with sectarian tensions by applying the law in this case.
“If Islamic parties, and all parties, insisted on applying the law, and don’t accept the results of these reconciliation meetings – if we do that, I think it may have a positive effect on sectarian incidents,” he says. “Because one would know if he torched or destroyed houses or shops of Christians, he will go to court and be charged.”
Refusing to stand up for justice for Christian victims in Sharbat, by contrast, could have dangerous implications for future religious strife in Egypt, which is home to the Middle East’s largest Christian population.
Christian businessman Abskharon Suleiman
in the home of a Muslim family, where he is
staying after being evicted from his village.
'They were looking for a reason to attack Christians'
Sharbat is a small village near the western edge of the fertile Nile delta. Along potholed streets, hand-painted signs for the salafi Nour Party cover the cement shelters of bus stops, fences, shops, and the walls of homes.
Samir Rashad, Romany’s father, says the recent violence in Sharbat was not the first case of tension between Christians and what he calls radical Muslims there. But it was the worst. It started with rumors that a local Christian man had photos or videos showing him in a sexual relationship with a local Muslim woman.
The man surrendered to police, and no images were found. But on Jan. 27 a large crowd gathered in front of his father’s home. Armed with rocks, Molotov cocktails, and guns, they stomped on wooden crosses and shouted about defending the honor of Islam, says Rashad, who lives just across the alley.
They soon began attacking Christian homes and shops in Sharbat. At least three Christian homes were completely destroyed after crowds lit them on fire, and at least 10 shops owned by Christians were looted, including Rashad’s tailoring shop. Some were burned.
Bibles That Translate "The Father" As "Allah"
Bibles That Translate "The Father" As "Allah"
Written by Nina Shea
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
National Review Online
A Bible is seen in this file photo.
The most astonishing example of the global inroads being made by Muslim blasphemy codes may well be found in a deepening controversy over the Bible translations for many Muslim cultures by Wycliffe, the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), and some other Bible translators.
Ostensibly to placate Muslim sensibilities, they removed the words “Father,” “Son,” and “Son of God” to describe the Trinitarian nature of God in the New Testament, using instead, at least for the Arabic and Turkish copies, the terms “Allah,” and “Messiah.” The Christian Post provides an example from Matthew 28:19: “Instead of 'baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,' [the text] becomes 'Cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit.'”
This is not a new controversy among scholars of Christian missionary work (Christianity Today wrote a cover story, “The Son and the Crescent,” about it a year ago) but, over the past few weeks, it has inspired mounting protests on Christian websites and a petition to the translators is now posted for signatures by a consortium of Christian missionaries and leaders.
Wycliffe, an interdenominational Protestant organization dedicated to translating the Bible into all living languages, posted a response on its website on February 7 that is less than reassuring. An excerpt of which states:
Wycliffe USA is grateful to all those who have expressed their questions and concerns regarding reports that we have been removing “Father” and “Son” from certain Bible translations, particularly in Muslim cultures. . . . While we have never intentionally sponsored a translation that neglects to properly communicate the divine familial terms, some observers have raised concerns about whether our methodology has consistently met our goal. We are listening to those concerns and are seeking God's guidance as we re-evaluate our methodology and investigate to ensure that our commitment to accurate and clear translation is being reflected in every project. We are engaged in meaningful conversations with partner organizations, constituents, and church leaders to evaluate our standards, and expect to be prepared to issue a more complete statement soon.
Hopefully, some of those who have commented from the Muslim world itself will be among those Wycliffe and the others listen to.
A former Muslim writes: “Such terms were equally offensive and problematic for Jews in the 1st Century were they not? And yet Jesus used them anyway and God inspired His apostles to do so. And still there was explosive church growth amidst the Jews in the 1st Century. Why should Muslims of today be any different? Indeed, the very fact that God is Jesus’ Father, Jesus is God the Son, and God can be called our Father is what is so attractive about the Gospel.”
A Turkish pastor argues: “Already Muslims in my country believe that the Bible is changed by men and these mission agencies are making it harder for us!”
Another pastor in Turkey makes a common-sense proposal: “Rather than changing the meaning of the Biblical terms and give reason to those Muslims who accuse Christians of adulterating the Scriptures, why not simply put a footnote to clarify that ‘Father’ does not refer to a biological father and ‘Son’ does not refer to a biological son?”
He then goes on to reveal another very disturbing fact about some translations: “But for me the worst thing in this translation is that this 'Matthew' started with a quote of the Koran and that the translation is full of footnotes with quotes of the Koran, as if it was the highest authority to decide what is true and what false.”
Since it was founded in the 1940s, Wycliffe has done extraordinary work in making the Bibles and New Testament accessible in hundreds of the world’s tongues, in many places bringing for the first time the Good News of the Gospels, and in the process promoting literacy. Translating sacred texts is often an art as much as a science and scholars have continuously debated the fine points of theology inherent in the translating process throughout Christian history. But, with these Arabic, Turkish, and other Bible translations tailored for Muslim cultures, one wonders, who is converting whom?
Nina Shea is director of the Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom
20,000 Muslims Attempt to Kill Pastor and Torch Church in Egypt
St. Mary and St. Abram church in the village of Meet Bashar,in Zagazig, Sharqia
20,000 Muslims Attempt to Kill Pastor and Torch Church in Egypt
Written by Mary Abdelmassih
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
(AINA) -- A mob of nearly 20,000 radical Muslims, mainly Salafis, attempted this evening to break into and torch the Church of St. Mary and St. Abram in the village of Meet Bashar,in Zagazig, Sharqia province. They were demanding the death of Reverend Guirgis Gameel, pastor of the church, who has been unable to leave his home since yesterday.
Nearly 100 terrorized Copts sought refuge inside the church, while Muslim rioters were pelting the church with stones in an effort to break into the church, assault the Copts and torch the building. A home of a Copt living near the church and the home of the church's porter were torched, as well as three cars.
The mob demanded the return Rania of Khalil Ibrahim, 15, to her father. She has been held with the Security Directorate since yesterday. Christian-born Rania had converted to Islam three months ago after her father, who had converted to Islam two years ago and took custody of her. She had disappeared from the village on Saturday, after claiming to go shopping. According to Reverend Guirgis Gameel, she had a disagreement with her father, who had arranged a marriage for her with a Muslim man.
Her father, Khalil Ibrahim, went to the police on Saturday and accused the priest of being behind her disappearance, and said she had gone to live with her Coptic mother.
Yesterday a Salafi mob of 2000 went to the priest's home and destroyed his furniture and his car, surrounded the church and pelted it with stones. They demolished a large section of the church fence. In the evening security forces announced that they had found Rania in Cairo and that she was not abducted by Christians; she was brought to the police station in Meet Bashar.
"After hearing this news yesterday everyone was relieved," said Coptic activist Waguih Jacob. "However, the Copts noticed that the Muslims did not completely disperse, but were hovering in all streets." The few security forced who were stationed in front of the church were dismissed as the village seemed to return to peace.
But the mob became more angry this evening when they heard that Rania refused to go back to live with her father, and returned in much greater numbers.
Some Coptic eyewitnesses said that a number of Muslim villagers tried to prevent the Salafis from assaulting their Christian neighbors and some stood as human shields to protect the church, until security forces arrived.
Bishop Yuaness, Secretary to Pope Shenouda III, said this evening that they have been in contact since yesterday with authorities "at the highest levels."
Ms. Marian Malak, a Coptic member of parliament, contacted the Egyptian prime minister El-Ganzoury, who ordered sending reinforcements to contain the crisis.
Bishop Tadros Sedra, of Minia el Kamh and Zagazig Coptic diocese, said this evening that military and police forces have arrived in great numbers and have dispersed Muslims from outside the church and the home of Reverend Guirgis Gameel. He confirmed that security will stay in the village for at least two weeks.
US-based Coptic Solidarity International, issued a press release today strongly urging the international community, through the United Nations Human Rights Council, to appoint a special rapporteur for the Copts in Egypt, particularly in light of the recent evictions, property confiscations and attacks against Copts (AINA 1-28-2012).
Mary Abdelmassih
Egyptian village expels Coptic families amid sectarian tensions
Egyptian village expels Coptic families amid sectarian tensions
Written by Los Angeles Times
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
The police and army forces failed to protect Christian residents' homes and property.
REPORTING FROM CAIRO -- Eight Christian Coptic families have been evicted from their village in the coastal governorate of Alexandria after violence erupted last month amid rumors of an affair between a Coptic man and a Muslim woman.
A report issued by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) confirmed Sunday that the Coptic residents had been told to leave their homes after a reconciliation session sponsored by local police, Muslim clerics and a Coptic priest was held Feb. 1.
The unrest stems from a Jan. 27 incident when homes and shops owned by Copts were looted and attacked by hundreds of Muslims angry over the alleged romance. One Coptic home was set ablaze. In its report, the EIPR condemned the "collective punishment" of Christians in the village of Ameriya based on an "individual act of social dishonor" by one Copt.
The report criticized police for not only failing to protect Copts from assault by Muslims, but also for overseeing and supporting an agreement that forced the deportation of Copts from their homes. "The EIPR harshly condemns the failure of police and army forces to protect Christian residents' homes and property," the report said.
Clashes between Copts, who make up about 10% of the population, and majority Muslims have intensified in recent years over alleged romantic affairs or the conversion of Copts to Islam or vice-versa. Such cases have sharpened sectarian tensions, especially since last year's overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak and the rise of Islamist political parties. Extremists Muslims set fire to churches in a poor Cairo neighborhood in May, and 24 Coptic protesters were killed by thugs and security forces during a demonstration calling for Christian rights in October.
The Mubarak regime had long been criticized by human rights advocates for skirting national laws and constitutional rights by sponsoring customary and local settlements of religious-related disputes.
"The EIPR utterly rejects the perpetuation of Mubarak-era policies that force victims of sectarian attacks — particularly those who have no stake in the original dispute — to accept the outcomes of illegal reconciliation processes and thus compel them to abandon their rights and accept the assaults on them," the report added.
A number of political parties and movements have also expressed exasperation over authorities' handling of the conflict. A joint statement issued by movements including the Popular Socialist Coalition Party, the Egyptian Social Democratic Party and the Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination Movement, condemned the eviction of Coptic families.
Expulsion of Eight Coptic Families from el-Amerya, Egypt - Statement by the Honourable Jim Karygiannis
Expulsion of Eight Coptic Families from el-Amerya, Egypt - Statement by the Honourable Jim Karygiannis, Member of Parliament for Scarborough-Agincourt and Liberal Critic for Multiculturalism
It was with great dismay that I learned of expulsion of eight Coptic families from the village of el-Amerya, a village near Alexandria.
On January 27, Coptic Christians were attacked by a crowd of approximately three thousand Muslims led by Salafi leaders. The crowd set fire to the Copts’ houses and shops. The violence was sparked by the allegations that a Coptic man had "illegal" photos of a Muslim woman on his cell phone. These allegations have subsequently been proved to be false.
The expulsion was a result of demands made by members of the Salafists and the Muslim Brotherhood in “reconciliation meetings” following the January 27th violence.
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), an independent Egyptian human rights organization, established in 2002, had condemned the police and army forces for failing to protect the homes and property of the Copts. In a statement released on February 12, 2012, the EIPR stressed that the law does not permit reconciliation in the deliberate crime of arson. EIPR said the officials were clearly in violation of the law which requires a criminal investigation. It added that the investigation should be extended to include the role of security forces that were present at the crime scene as it happened but did not provide protection for the victims.
This expulsion is an assault on the personal rights guaranteed by the Egyptian Constitution. Egyptian authorities must investigate this matter, charge the arsonists and bring them to justice. They must also ensure that this forced expulsion is rescinded; that full restitution is made to the victims; that the victims are allowed to return to their homes and businesses; and, that they are allowed to live in peace and security.
The right to practice one’s faith is a basic human right. Stephen Harper must either call in the Egyptian Ambassador or send a Diplomatic Note to express the revulsion of Canadians at these attacks and expulsions.
Sign the petition to ask the Harper Government hold the Egyptian Government accountable:
Mr. Karygiannis is the Chairman of the Liberal Canadian Coptic Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Association. He has traveled to Egypt on a number of occasions and seen the hardships suffered by the Coptic Community in Egypt.
Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
Liberal Critic of Multiculturalism
Constituency Office
3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206
Scarborough Ontario
M1T 3T6
Tel: (416) 321 5454
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Jim Karygiannis
3850 Finch Ave E #206
Toronto Ontario M1T3T6
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From: Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:48 PM
Subject: Expulsion of Eight Coptic Families from el-Amerya, Egypt - Statement by the Honourable Jim Karygiannis
, and web pages.
It was with great dismay that I learned of expulsion of eight Coptic families from the village of el-Amerya, a village near Alexandria.
On January 27, Coptic Christians were attacked by a crowd of approximately three thousand Muslims led by Salafi leaders. The crowd set fire to the Copts’ houses and shops. The violence was sparked by the allegations that a Coptic man had "illegal" photos of a Muslim woman on his cell phone. These allegations have subsequently been proved to be false.
The expulsion was a result of demands made by members of the Salafists and the Muslim Brotherhood in “reconciliation meetings” following the January 27th violence.
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), an independent Egyptian human rights organization, established in 2002, had condemned the police and army forces for failing to protect the homes and property of the Copts. In a statement released on February 12, 2012, the EIPR stressed that the law does not permit reconciliation in the deliberate crime of arson. EIPR said the officials were clearly in violation of the law which requires a criminal investigation. It added that the investigation should be extended to include the role of security forces that were present at the crime scene as it happened but did not provide protection for the victims.
This expulsion is an assault on the personal rights guaranteed by the Egyptian Constitution. Egyptian authorities must investigate this matter, charge the arsonists and bring them to justice. They must also ensure that this forced expulsion is rescinded; that full restitution is made to the victims; that the victims are allowed to return to their homes and businesses; and, that they are allowed to live in peace and security.
The right to practice one’s faith is a basic human right. Stephen Harper must either call in the Egyptian Ambassador or send a Diplomatic Note to express the revulsion of Canadians at these attacks and expulsions.
Sign the petition to ask the Harper Government hold the Egyptian Government accountable:
Mr. Karygiannis is the Chairman of the Liberal Canadian Coptic Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Association. He has traveled to Egypt on a number of occasions and seen the hardships suffered by the Coptic Community in Egypt.
Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
Liberal Critic of Multiculturalism
Constituency Office
3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206
Scarborough Ontario
M1T 3T6
Tel: (416) 321 5454
fax: (416) 321 5456
This e-mail may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any related rights and obligations. Any distribution, use or copying of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is unauthorized. If you received this e-mail in error, please advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) immediately.
Jim Karygiannis
3850 Finch Ave E #206
Toronto Ontario M1T3T6
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From: Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:48 PM
Subject: Expulsion of Eight Coptic Families from el-Amerya, Egypt - Statement by the Honourable Jim Karygiannis
, and web pages.
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