National American coptic Assembly-USA
Washigton DC
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Mr , Nabil Besada Vice president
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Muslim group gets its own caucus on Capitol Hill

Politicians are so desperate to find “the moderate Muslims” that they’ll do extraordinarily stupid things. 15,000 Ahmadi Muslims and they get their own caucus? These “moderate” Muslims smear, defame and attack counter jihadists like Robert Spencer and me, so color me skeptical. I have debated them on television here and in print. They provide essential cover for the global jihad.
Harris Zafar, National Spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, attacked me in the Huffington Post: Confronting Pamela Geller. My response ran below Zafar’s suicidal screed. And it took an army of tweeters to get the Huffington Post to to run my rebuttal.
And it’s not just Zafar: Qasim Rashid carries water for his oppressors and furthers the Islamic supremacist war against freedom of speech. He also whitewashes the Qur’an’s justification for domestic abuse. Madness.
The US leaders of the Ahmadi community carry water for the same Islamic supremacists who would cheerfully slit their throats if they were back in Pakistan, and instead target those who stand up for the Ahmadis and decry their persecution.
“Muslim group to get own caucus on Capitol Hill,” March 1, 2014 by creeping
Even though there are only 15,000 of them in the U.S. The insanity continues. via Muslim group to get own caucus on Capitol Hill – Washington Times.
A small branch of Islam often persecuted and called heretical by larger Muslim groups has always found friends on Capitol Hill. Now, America’s Ahmadiyya Muslim community is getting official representation through a new House caucus to be officially unveiled Friday.Politicians on both sides of the aisle are so desperate to find some Muslim group they can claim as “moderate” that they’ll support anything.
The new Ahmadiyya Muslim Caucus will represent the estimated 15,000 to 20,000 Ahmadis living in America, a small percentage of the nearly 3 million Muslims living in the United States.Frank Griffel, professor of Islamic studies at Yale University, said although many mainstream Muslim communities view them as apostates, Ahmadis believe they are true followers of Islam.
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Morris Sadek Esq
special legal consultant ,DC Bar, member of American Bar Association