"The Muslims reportedly set several crucifixes alight and threw stones at the Copts..." Islamic supremacists in Egypt are very different from the KKK, but as they burned crosses in their recent clashes with Copts, their motive is the same as that of the KKK: to intimidate, to frighten. They want to "strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah" (Qur'an 8:60).
An update on this story. "Egypt: Coptic pope Shenuda III deplores 'anti-Christian' violence," from AKI, November 24 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Egypt's Coptic Pope Shenuda III on Wednesday deplored the violent clashes with security forces in Cairo's Giza district when thousands of minority Christians marched to demand permission from the government to build a church.
Shenuda III was quoted by pan-Arab daily al-Quds al-Arabi as saying he wanted to "forcibly resist action of this kind."
He said he wanted to "work to restore calm and prevent further acts of violence in the city."
A group of Muslims reportedly gathered in the area of Giza where some 3,000 Coptic Christians were reported to have protested outside the office of the local governor.
The Muslims reportedly set several crucifixes alight and threw stones at the Copts....
Posted by Robert on November 25, 2010 6:37 PM | 25 Comments
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DJM | November 25, 2010 6:56 PM | Reply
I have no doubt the Copts will be arrested for provoking the muslims into burning crosses and throwing stones...
exsgtbrown | November 25, 2010 7:56 PM | Reply
Is there any doubt about the Muslims conducting a religious crusade....?
Annie Oakley | November 25, 2010 8:43 PM | Reply
I've been to Egypt (right after 9/11) and noticed the high percentage of men wearing white robes and funny hats. I didn't make the connection at the time, though.
My question is: Does the hate-filled ideology provoke the crazy costumes, or do the crazy costumes provoke the hate-filled ideology?
Whichever it is, it seems to turn into a viscious circle.
gravenimage | November 25, 2010 9:38 PM | Reply
Lovely. *Even the Klan* has stopped burning crosses. Yet, I doubt this story will get much coverage here in the West.
suprkufrB | November 26, 2010 1:17 AM | Reply
Why are so cowardly as to not respond in kind here in the free world?
Keep democracies free - blow up a mosque today.
Rita | November 26, 2010 1:55 AM | Reply
The UN will approve.
Schnellmann_org | November 26, 2010 2:02 AM | Reply
Video: Pastor Dr Terry Jones – RALLY AT EGYPTIAN CONSULATE, LOS ANGELES Saturday, December 11th, 2010, 1pm
Khushi replied to comment from Rita | November 26, 2010 3:16 AM | Reply
The UN will probably pass a resolution:
muslims have a right to burn as many crosses, blow up as many Buddha statues as they wish, etc, and anyone who prevents them from exercising this freedom of expression and action will be arrested.
al-Kidya | November 26, 2010 4:16 AM | Reply
It's time we started burning some crescent and star symbols.
Burn Islamic flags, etc.
Courreges W replied to comment from gravenimage | November 26, 2010 4:41 AM | Reply
"Yet, I doubt this story will get much coverage here in the West."
We musn't insult the Muslims or take notice of anything they do that could provoke criticism.
lkeevy1 | November 26, 2010 4:44 AM | Reply
you can tell these islamists must love the cross in private, you can tell them that by lighting the cross you give Christianity more power! lol,
Andrew | November 26, 2010 4:52 AM | Reply
People in the west need to know what is going on.
Cao Moo replied to comment from lkeevy1 | November 26, 2010 5:03 AM | Reply
this must be what sharif el gamal meant by muslims are good christians, clearly they are mearly shining the light of christ nothing sinister about that... I think my brain just threw up in it's mouth thinking that.
An American | November 26, 2010 5:10 AM | Reply
You have got to be kidding. A report reportedly reported that Muslims burned crosses? I know that this site is really bad for quoting unreliable sources, but this is ridiculous. Let's try reading something even remotely accurate.
The issue of church construction is always a hot one in Egypt, and the only one where Christian groups abroad have actual evidence against the state so they scream the loudest on this. However, both local and international groups have admitted that there are just about as many Christians per church as there are Muslims per mosque (about 1,300), and that this has nothing to do with the prohibition of worship, but is primarily a bureaucratic obstacle. Is it discriminatory? YES, and it should be addressed by a new united places of worship law that non-religious NGOs have been pushing for in the country. However, to go out on another rampage against Muslims just shows us yet again that Spencer has absolutely no idea what he's talking about and that he cares about nothing more than bashing Muslims.
And just to prove my point, he will probably directly respond to this post even though he has repeatedly stated that he doesn't really read what is written in the comments.
Ready, set, go blind attacks from JihadWatchers! Prove your loyalty!
El Cid | November 26, 2010 5:17 AM | Reply
Man, them freaks is freaky. Do they ever do anything but freakout? Did they ever invent anything besides sand and camel droppings?
Will they ever invent anything?
I guess the answer is no. They will wait for allah to invent flying pigs.
Iceman | November 26, 2010 7:32 AM | Reply
Still the leaders of the West don't get it, will they get it when a big Muslim is standing over them with a knife to their throat? Somehow I don't think even that will be enough to wake them up. They'll just keep sending them money to fight terrorism and not even demand to know where the money was spent.
EuskalHerria replied to comment from An American | November 26, 2010 9:55 AM | Reply
An "American"
What an incredibly ludicrous post. It reeks of dhimmitude at the least and a sneering Islamist supremacism at the most.
It is a matter of fact that Christians and Jews are on the receiving end of acts of intimidation and violence at the hands of Muslims in all Muslim-majority countries, and Muslims justify their actions based on numerous verses in the Qur'an and Hadiths directing them to subdue and persecute Christians and Jews and to prohibit the construction of new churches and synagogues or the repair of existing ones.
As you may recall, thousands of pigs belonging to Coptic farmers were killed a few months ago on the pretext that thay were an H1V1 (Swine Flu) threat. This and many other acts of intimidation and humiliation are par for the course in so-called "moderate" Egypt. And I will not go into the numerous acts of murder and intimidation of Christians and Jews in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and other lands dominated by the "religion of peace".
As far as Robert Spencer addressing your supercilious post, he has more meaninful business to attend to, I am sure.
If you cannot do any better than your previous post, please don't waste our time...
Yomayngsup | November 26, 2010 10:34 AM | Reply
I believe in freedom of expression. If we could form an alliance here in the west and burn a Hamas flag, al Qaeda flag,an Egyptian flag, the moon and star rag, you get the picture, and do it in the name of protest of the Egyptian cross burning, we might make a strong statement. Do those idiots actually have flags? If not, let's do the Muslim crescent flag.
Fun Fact: Taqiyya Taquila: one drink and you just lie there.
Steffen Larsen replied to comment from Yomayngsup | November 26, 2010 10:42 AM | Reply
Ah! But beware of crescents!
Concerned912 | November 26, 2010 11:23 AM | Reply
The Copts had a march in January in Toronto. I hope that they have another one soon. People here have to have their minds opened to muslim terror.
Courreges W replied to comment from An American | November 26, 2010 12:15 PM | Reply
Shut-up, Muslim.
Courreges W replied to comment from EuskalHerria | November 26, 2010 12:16 PM | Reply
Euskal - "an American" is a Muslim.
Understand his comment now?
katharina | November 26, 2010 12:21 PM | Reply
Where's Hussein Obama's voice, at least once, since he's been claiming now to be a Christian, to condemn such provocative act of Cross burning; as Hussein had easily condemned the Christian Pastor who wanted to burn the Bible?! Of course we won't be hearing from this suspected impostor Trojan horse into the White House!
Courreges W replied to comment from katharina | November 26, 2010 12:25 PM | Reply
Hussein is a Muslim.
Yomayngsup replied to comment from An American | November 26, 2010 2:15 PM | Reply
you are an anal sphincter and a muslim-- a double whammy
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