Sunday, August 15, 2010

please help coptic school in Nashvillle& virgina

Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

we are currently among the top 20..... #17 !!!! VOTE TO BRING US

Listening to the wise words,prayers, and hopes of His Holiness Pope Shenouda, that there is a need to establish Orthodox Christian Schools in the diaspora, His Grace BishopYoussef and Abouna Boutros embarked on the project to establish one in Nashville, Tennessee.

St. Clement Orthodox Christian Academy, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, was
established as the FIRST Coptic Orthodox Christian Academy in the United States.
It is only through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that this project was brought to completion, opening its doors in August of 2001.
It was the prayer and wisdom of His Holiness, that the Egyptian immigrant would not forget their Orthodox Faith and roots, knowing that a school not only educates the child, but the whole family, as well as the surrounding community. It also serves as a tool of evangelization reaching out to the whole community, through special projects, serving the needs of everyone.

The school was first established to offer the Egyptian immigrants one steeped in Orthodox
Tradition, interwoven with a First Class Academic Curriculum.
"Christ is the educator who teaches and the teacher who educates." St. Clement of Alexandria
St. Clement Academy opens it doors WIDE to ALL people regardless of their socio-economic ability, faith, race, or ethnicity. St. Clement Academy strives to educate ALL who come....

For it sees the value of an Orthodox Christian education....for ALL.

St. Clement Academy is a faith community, that is rooted in Orthodox Christian convictions and values. We strive to create an atmosphere that enables the spiritual, academic, athletic and creative gifts of each child to develop to the fullest, prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. We are committed to sharing the values Jesus modeled.

" As there is one mode of training for philosophers, another for orators, and another for athletes, so there is a generous disposition suitable to the choice that is set upon moral loveliness resulting from the training of Christ" St. Clement of Alexandria.

We are asking you to join us in receiving the blessing of allowing this miracle of God to continue to grow and expand to enrich and nourish the coming generations. You can do this by voting for St. Clement Christian Academy at the web site below.

-- How to Vote
Go to

Click on "Vote Now"
a. If prompted to "LIKE" the organization click on the option to "LIKE"
b. If prompted to "ALLOW" access to your information click the option to "ALLOW"
Click on SEARCH SCHOOLS and type in St. Clement Orthodox Christian Academy
a. Make sure to choose St. Clement Coptic Orthodox Christian Academy
located in Nashville, TN
Once chosen, then click on "Cast A Vote"
5. When done, remember to go back and cast your 4 remaining votes as well
6CAST FIVE FOR ST. CLEMENT Coptic Orthodox Christian Academy
7. CAST FIVE FOR THE Good Shepherd Christian School in Fairfax VA.
Pass this message along to everyone you know

With Faith, Hope and Joy in the Lord

From: "Fr. Anthony Messeh"
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 05:15:55 -0500

Subject: Update about Kohls Facebook Contest

Dear St. Mark Family,

So far you have been doing a great job voting and spreading the word about this contest. As of this morning, we have received more than 7300 votes! That is an excellent start, but we’ll need more if we are going to contend with some of the larger schools out there. So if you haven’t yet voted 5 times for Good Shepherd Christian Academy, please do so now. Voting instructions are below. After you have voted, please remember to tell everyone you know to vote as well – we need to spread the word to as many people as we can – neighbors, colleagues, classmates, even your family back in Egypt. TELL EVERYONE!!!

Also, after you have voted for Good Shepherd Christian Academy, I would like to encourage you to also place 5 votes for another school, ST. CLEMENT COPTIC ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. St. Clement Academy is the Coptic school being run by our sister church down in Nashville, TN. I recently spoke with their administrative office and we agreed that we would support one another’s schools [remember, the top 20 schools receive the prize; so both of us can win]. They have been kind and gracious enough to inform their supporters to vote for us; now it is time for us to repay the favor and vote for them as well. We are all One Body in Christ and therefore we hope that each of us would walk away with the prize from Kohls.

So go place 5 votes for GOOD SHEPHERD CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, and then go place another 5 votes for ST. CLEMENT COPTIC ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. For voting instructions or more information about this contest and why it is so important, please see below…

And remember, this is your chance to make a difference. This is your chance to do something very small, but that will have a major impact on the ministry here and the lives of the many people who are touched by this ministry. This is your chance to give back.

How to Vote

1. Go to

2. Click on "Vote Now"

a. If prompted to "LIKE" the organization click on the option to "LIKE"

b. If prompted to "ALLOW" access to your information click the option to "ALLOW"

3. Click on SEARCH SCHOOLS and type in Good Shepherd Christian Academy

a. Make sure to choose the Good Shepherd Christian Academy located in FAIRFAX VA

4. Once chosen, then click on "Cast A Vote"

5. When done, remember to go back and cast your 4 remaining votes as well

6. Go back and place another 5 votes for St. Clement Coptic Orthodox Christian Academy

7. Pass this message along to everyone you know


From: [] On Behalf Of Fr. Anthony Messeh
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 9:43 AM
Subject: God sending us a chance to win $500,000

Dear St. Mark Family,

Do you believe in miracles? Well I do and I believe that God may be sending us a chance to witness one right in front of our eyes. You all know the church’s financial need these days – especially with the upcoming construction and financing. God, who has promised never to leave us or abandon us, has put a great opportunity in front of us and we need your help to make it happen.

We have a chance to win $500,000 through a contest being held on Facebook by the store Kohls []. They are giving away $500,000 to the 20 schools [public or private] that receive the most votes in their contest. We need you and everybody you know to go online and vote for Good Shepherd Christian Academy. Each person is allowed to vote for a certain school 5 times and we need all 5 of those votes to go to Good Shepherd Christian Academy. For instructions on how to vote, please see the bottom of this email.

And then, once you have voted 5 times, go tell others to vote for Good Shepherd as well. We need everyone to spread the word to their colleagues, neighbors and friends. Tell your friends in other churches across the U.S. and even back in Egypt. Anyone can vote from anywhere in the world! If it helps, I created this video that you can forward to your friends, explaining why they should vote for us,

I believe that God is sending this contest to us at this time because He knows our need. For those who were around back in 2002-03 when we were building the current Sunday school building, God did a similar miracle at the time. He sent us several hundred Sony Vaio computers as a donation and through the selling of those computers, we made a profit of about $500,000. He just put that money in our lap and I believe He is doing the same thing right now through this contest.

This is your chance to be part of a great work by the Hand of the Lord. Go vote for Good Shepherd Christian Academy 5 times and then spread the word to everyone you know. I have no doubt that if we all put our hands together on this and then put those united hands in the Mighty Hand of our God, we’ll see something big happen…

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